Had a nice casual night down my local last night. Made full use of my camera phone last night taking sick picture of a mates girlfriend and sending them to him while he was out in London. I'm sure he saw the funny side.... Sarah fucked off into the city afterwards to a hip-hop night and should have been at work at eight this morning. I don't fancy her chances much, she didn't make it back here I know so if she did make it to work she probably looks like some kind of terrifying drug dustbin or something.
OK, so I'm minding my own business reading e-mails and innocent stuff like that and a friend IMs me telling me there's a night on in my home town with MYNC project & Yousef in the main room and two of my mates letting off twisted sounds in the back room. Should be worth the effort.
Now I have to reschedule my day to organise everything so I want for nothing on my quest for pleasure tonight.
OK, so I'm minding my own business reading e-mails and innocent stuff like that and a friend IMs me telling me there's a night on in my home town with MYNC project & Yousef in the main room and two of my mates letting off twisted sounds in the back room. Should be worth the effort.
Now I have to reschedule my day to organise everything so I want for nothing on my quest for pleasure tonight.