Ug...I'm about fucking DONE with divorce I'm thinking of becoming a family therapist. Maybe if I can set people straight BEFORE they fuck their kids up beyond all recognition, I can make a REAL difference and won't be stuck in the legal industry burdened with nighmarishly horrible fucking parents. Just venting. lalala. Can't wait to get blazed tonight. Caps/Rangers, Pens/Sharks....gonna be a gooooood night, eh!!!
Happy Valentine's Day week everyone....found this funny kick ass card on Kraven's page....

True thaaaat my nig!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day week everyone....found this funny kick ass card on Kraven's page....

True thaaaat my nig!!!!

I hope the later part of your week is going better for you... and have a drink this weekend to relax...or maybe some magical cookies?? either way have fun and relax you need it!!!