This has been such a whirlwind year for me....I've only been out of prison for a year and two hard as that time was for me, it taught me how precious life and freedom truly are. Im compelled to believe now that I should not place a greater value on one day over another, but the new year is symbollic of new beginnings. I have every change to get in to and succeed in law school next August so I can finally become an attorney, which is what Ive always wanted for myself. I never thought it would be possible, but my excuses are gone now. I survived an unholy hell, came out, landed on my feet, worked hard, stayed diligent, and now things are all good. Based on that, there isnt anything in this world I can say that isn't possible for me. I want to thank everyone in my small circle here that stop by and support my blog...I hope ALL of you have the best new year ever!!! I so look forward to all the gorgeous, beautiful women and sets that 2009 will bring here....I fucking love this site....

Oh...btw....guess where I'll be going back to in March...

Oh...btw....guess where I'll be going back to in March...
I had so much fun on 12/20 when I went, I had to get more tickets and stay at the same hotel....maybe I'll meet Wayne Gretzky this time....
I'm hanging out with your friend moxy, she says you're so nice! i just realized we were friends too, yay!!!
Thanks for the comment on my set