I lost my fucking goddamn piece of shit cell phone yesterday!!!! Had to get a new one right away because I use it for my business as well as personal...

Got my son an early "christmas" present.....contradictory since most of you know I'm a devout secularist....I play the holiday game though....have to for the youngins....
Reefed up today....
then I got totally stoned, walked outside and felt like making a pile out of all these leaves and jumping in them like a kid....
.....but I was wearing my new bad ass Ranger's T-shirt....so I elected not to. My daughter and her boyfriend are coming over right now to watch Step Brothers and Hell Boy II with me and Gage, my son.......it's been a great weekend. I was magnanamously productive last week....so this week should be relatively easieR for me. Look forward to that!! Hope you all are doing great......we have a brand new SUICIDE GIRL amongst us.....the interminably beautiful Kraven....Although I could write no less than a comprehensive dissertation on how I feel about her and how happy I am that SG FINALLY brought her up into their confusing, mystery filled, but awe inspiring, rapture ...Please go and congatulate her on her hard work, relentless dedication and successful endeavor of becoming one of the most beautiful SGs this site will ever know....lets all make her already successful career blow up even more....