Well, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. In my own defense, though, I was one of the first ones who said it would go to a game six. And it did. All respect to the Pens for giving all of their hearts chasing the cup. Here's to all of their broken noses, broken fingers and ankles, and now the broken hearts of the young players who worked so damn hard all the way to the bitter end. And congrats to the Wings on winning. Now on to bigger and better things. New York Rangers will be the Stanley Cup champions of the 2008-2009 NHL season, eh!!!! Trust and believe THAT!!
Yeah baby. See you next season!!! GO RANGERS!!!

thank you 

thats totally fucking harsh dude. know how it feels though. my team tried getting out of the shitty league and it game down to a play-off and they lost. mega depressed.