I had the most disturbing day. I've seen pretty much everything in family/criminal law that there is...Or so I thought....I've had numerous cases with child abuse, murder, nightmarish domestic violence, substance abuse of every kind, etc; just sad, sad stuff. But I had a client come in today, and, being a non-religious secularist myself, actually felt an "evil" presence. I tend not to use the word "evil", as it is an inherently religious term with a propensity to assert an opposing moral position of some sort. I personally don't buy in to that kind of crap because it always has stings attached to it. In most cases of what religious and monotheistic people characterize as "evil", I just prefer to call "unambiguously wrong." But there was a component of the facts of this individual's case today that I just couldn't put my finger on......but "evil" just seems to really fit here. This client ran away from a small city in one of the southern states to come to hide all the way in this state with her children because she discovered that the father of her children (they were never married), a man in his mid-twenties, has previously, and still currently has bi-sexual sex with his mother, FATHER, and sisters. She mistakenly found and took with her photos of some of it, which the father's parents kept in an unlocked drawer in their home. There was a confrontation, and he threatened her life, then she ran. I've seen numerous (nanny-cam) videos and have heard audio of some of our clients and client's children being abused, but these pictures were just not of this world. I've been overly general about the facts of this case for confidentiality reasons, but I am so disgusted that I can't even see straight and had to take some form of outward expression about it. To look into this woman's eyes and see what has been taken from her was completely unsettling to me.....and bear in mind that I've been to prison and have seen some absolutely fucking heinous shit. I think what really pierced my heart was to think that, if she stayed there and never found out, the father would have chosen his own children as his next sexual partners. I just can't fucking understand how anyone, at any time, in any form, under any circumstance could do this kind of shit. I'll be filing a restraining order action tomorrow morning, obtaining police reports from the southern state and make arrangements to have the father personally served with process so I can get jurisdiction in California.......She has no money left after her run to retain our office, but we immediately agreed to represent her for free (pro bono) because of those poor children. I'm going to need a vacation after this case is finalized. I can't fathom any amount of alcohol taking this one away. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, right. Happy Valentine's Day. Blah.

Oh, right. Happy Valentine's Day. Blah.
I cant believe what is worng with people, there are some true wack jobs out there....it is wonderful that you are helping her.....
I hate to say it bro, but evil does exist.......it's in all of us, but most of us let the good in us beat back the evil. I have seen evil more times than I can count........it makes me shudder and want to do something, but they say everyone has rights......but didn't the victims have rights too???