I feel good. Sooooo good.
I had a super secret meeting today. That means, unfortunately, that the subject matter must remain confidential (for the moment). I will report further on said rendevous when the results are declassified.
(fuckin contractual obligations...)
I CAN say with about 80% confidence that my ass will be back on the Vegas stage by the end of the year.
I'm ready. This hiatus did wonders for my mental state and my personal growth, but I'm about ready to bust my ass again.
On another subject.... Kung Fu is hard. No surprise there I suppose, but my god, I leave class feeling physically retarded every day. Patience grasshopper... If you're green you'll grow, if you're ripe you'll rot.
PS. Ice-T is a racist prick. He was the guest of honor at the club I promote for on saturday. He randomly got on stage and proclaimed to the crowd that "white women are the biggest whores on earth, you should brush them off every chance you get. When you see white men who have got money, you should beat them down whenever you can." I was deeply saddened at the tremendous roar of approval from the crowd. Further confusion nestled itself in my head when I realized that hes married to a pasty white lady.
I don't think progress is made in this way...
Grow up people. Hate shouldn't equal pride.
I feel good. Sooooo good.
I had a super secret meeting today. That means, unfortunately, that the subject matter must remain confidential (for the moment). I will report further on said rendevous when the results are declassified.

(fuckin contractual obligations...)
I CAN say with about 80% confidence that my ass will be back on the Vegas stage by the end of the year.

I'm ready. This hiatus did wonders for my mental state and my personal growth, but I'm about ready to bust my ass again.
On another subject.... Kung Fu is hard. No surprise there I suppose, but my god, I leave class feeling physically retarded every day. Patience grasshopper... If you're green you'll grow, if you're ripe you'll rot.

PS. Ice-T is a racist prick. He was the guest of honor at the club I promote for on saturday. He randomly got on stage and proclaimed to the crowd that "white women are the biggest whores on earth, you should brush them off every chance you get. When you see white men who have got money, you should beat them down whenever you can." I was deeply saddened at the tremendous roar of approval from the crowd. Further confusion nestled itself in my head when I realized that hes married to a pasty white lady.
I don't think progress is made in this way...
Grow up people. Hate shouldn't equal pride.
so your promotions are going well?
Have a good weekend, you sexy, bendy girl....