Today we saw Charlie and the Chocolate factory, my opinion on said film is inconsequential, however:
We got to the theater, coughed up 4 bucks for a soda and were about to head in when I realized, I ought to make a pre-emptive strike against my bladder and take a piss.
I stroll into the restroom and freeze in my tracks as I notice the muscular, surfer gentleman fixing his hair in the mirror.
"Oh shit, is this NOT the women's bathroom?!" I blurt out in embarassment.
He looks at me surprised, and barely containing his laughter at my mistake replies: "Dude, this is the MENS room!"
I rush out with my hand over my mouth and check the signs. Sure enough, the stick figure on the door was wearing a dress. It WAS the little girl's room!
I come back in, the guy raises his eyebrows nonchalantly in scorn.
"Have you noticed the lack of urinals?" I queary.
A still moment of contemplation passed in slow motion as he glanced around the room...
"Fuck!" he replies as he bolted for the door.
We got to the theater, coughed up 4 bucks for a soda and were about to head in when I realized, I ought to make a pre-emptive strike against my bladder and take a piss.
I stroll into the restroom and freeze in my tracks as I notice the muscular, surfer gentleman fixing his hair in the mirror.
"Oh shit, is this NOT the women's bathroom?!" I blurt out in embarassment.

He looks at me surprised, and barely containing his laughter at my mistake replies: "Dude, this is the MENS room!"
I rush out with my hand over my mouth and check the signs. Sure enough, the stick figure on the door was wearing a dress. It WAS the little girl's room!
I come back in, the guy raises his eyebrows nonchalantly in scorn.
"Have you noticed the lack of urinals?" I queary.
A still moment of contemplation passed in slow motion as he glanced around the room...
"Fuck!" he replies as he bolted for the door.

i was quite pleased getting into my car and seeing the thermometer only saying "98"... that was almost worth getting teared up about, haha.