Suicide Girls, eh? I've just arrived here, I'm poking around, trying to finger the nature of this beast. Curiosity envelops me as I speculate on the dynamic of this little monster. What happens when you pack an e-realm so tightly with alpha-females? Is this a land where we raise our glitter-painted middle fingers, and play round after exhausting round of "I'm more punk than you" with each other? Or is there finally a place where ladies who don't giggle at unfunny jokes, make disclaimers before saying something offensive, or apologize for spitting or cursing, can fan the flames of the rock and roll revolution? Is SG a gallery of flawed perfection? Are we fucked up or fucking fabulous?
Show me. I dare you.
Show me. I dare you.
Welcome to SG. As far a "punk" goes I will say that you will win over me, but I am just some old perv' that stumbeled across SG last year. There are a few Vegan's that converce on here and some that get together once in a while. I see that you seem to have a pretty good since of humor, so I will look forward to reading your journal. There are a few Vegan's listed on my page if you're interested.