"this too shall pass"
"we're over the hump"
"If it were easy, everyone would be doing it"
"give it a little elbow grease"
"you reap what you sow"
Thanks Mom. Its the truth sometimes, eh?
I wish my camera weren't broken. I wanted to take a picture of my legs for you guys. My legs make me look tough right now... They are covered in black/blue/yellow/green bruises from the "learning process" at my show. My forearms and ankles are covered in fingerprint bruises from the "cradle" number I'm learning, and I have mystery marks everywhere from things I don't remember occuring. I seriously look abused right now!!! Its not that what I'm doing is all that crazy, its just that I haven't refined my movements and tricks yet. None of my "incidents" are drastic, I'm just hitting my positions wrong enough to bump into poles/metal pegs/martial arts weapons/stage pieces/other people just hard enough to leave a mark. Soon I'll have my shit down and I'll be able to wear skirts again without the general public giving my boyfriend those "you abusive bastard" glares. Poor guy.
Everything is good. I perform my first show on Friday. Hopefully I'm going to San Francisco to see Cirque's newest show Corteo on Sunday. I'm in the process of shopping for a house.
My boyfriend is going to move in with me in the next month or two.
And I'm happy with where things are headed.
I'm. Just. Exhausted.
Socially, I suck right now. I have too much on my plate to have any emotional capacity to keep up my "social maintenance". I'm that flakey friend right now that doesn't return phone calls unless they're urgent. Sorry guys. I'm lame.
Things will get smoother soon.
"this too shall pass"
"we're over the hump"
"If it were easy, everyone would be doing it"
"give it a little elbow grease"
"you reap what you sow"
Thanks Mom. Its the truth sometimes, eh?
I wish my camera weren't broken. I wanted to take a picture of my legs for you guys. My legs make me look tough right now... They are covered in black/blue/yellow/green bruises from the "learning process" at my show. My forearms and ankles are covered in fingerprint bruises from the "cradle" number I'm learning, and I have mystery marks everywhere from things I don't remember occuring. I seriously look abused right now!!! Its not that what I'm doing is all that crazy, its just that I haven't refined my movements and tricks yet. None of my "incidents" are drastic, I'm just hitting my positions wrong enough to bump into poles/metal pegs/martial arts weapons/stage pieces/other people just hard enough to leave a mark. Soon I'll have my shit down and I'll be able to wear skirts again without the general public giving my boyfriend those "you abusive bastard" glares. Poor guy.
Everything is good. I perform my first show on Friday. Hopefully I'm going to San Francisco to see Cirque's newest show Corteo on Sunday. I'm in the process of shopping for a house.

I'm. Just. Exhausted.
Socially, I suck right now. I have too much on my plate to have any emotional capacity to keep up my "social maintenance". I'm that flakey friend right now that doesn't return phone calls unless they're urgent. Sorry guys. I'm lame.
Things will get smoother soon.
you're going to be in the bay area? thats neat.
i would say you should pop by and have dinner or something, but you sound maxxed out. not to mention i'm just some completely random person you "know" on the internet.
heh. anyway, glad to hear things are going well (minus the bumps and bruises).

A woman of color...hehe, sounds like you are very busy, glad thing are going good with all that is going on....and the b/f part too...