My. Body. Hurts.
In the last couple of days I've jumped from three stories into an airbag, dangled upside down from a cable, flown upward at 12 ft per second while running vertically on a wall, trained Wushu with a Chinese master, tried to navigate this labyrinth of a theater whos equal I have yet to meet, strength trained to the point of tears, and felt physically retarded while doing all of the above.
So far I've put in sweat and tears.... I'm just waiting to give up the blood.
It. Will. Get. Easier.
God help me.
(Also: The cast is nice, I love the show, I have lots of old friends there, I'm learning neat new things, and despite my frustrations and pain I'm happy to be there. Remind me of this the next time I think I might die from the stress and pain.)
In the last couple of days I've jumped from three stories into an airbag, dangled upside down from a cable, flown upward at 12 ft per second while running vertically on a wall, trained Wushu with a Chinese master, tried to navigate this labyrinth of a theater whos equal I have yet to meet, strength trained to the point of tears, and felt physically retarded while doing all of the above.
So far I've put in sweat and tears.... I'm just waiting to give up the blood.
It. Will. Get. Easier.
God help me.
(Also: The cast is nice, I love the show, I have lots of old friends there, I'm learning neat new things, and despite my frustrations and pain I'm happy to be there. Remind me of this the next time I think I might die from the stress and pain.)

and a pajama party sounds superfun ... i definately know some people we can prank call