well I feel horrible...i signed the death papers of a squirrel a few minutes ago. We just got back to Baltimore the past day or so and we haven't had much time to get organized. So I saw this thing at our cat door and was like what the fuck? I thought it was a huge rat and frankly i was not hanging around to find out. It was bigger than our smallest dog so my first thought was shit it's going to kill Cyprius if it gets in. So i block the door and it is trapped back there. I go up front and get Raptorsclaw to take care of it. He goes out there with a stick, a beebee gun and our Manchester Terrier who lives for killing rats. Well it was a squirrel. It is dead now. It made horrible squeaking noises while it died. Bane our terrier got bitten but he's alright we've taken care of that situation. I didn't know it was a squirrel and i guess it doesn't matter because a rodent is still a rodent right?
Well i wish i could honestly say i felt that way. I would have felt horrible even if it had been a rat.
Poor things
Well i wish i could honestly say i felt that way. I would have felt horrible even if it had been a rat.

Poor things

I learned a new trick.............
I have no Idea how this is useful, but I like it...
Sorry it upset you so.
They are cute as hell but they still carry rabies.
Hope your dog is okay.