Ok so i have gotten bad at updating lately...well umm fuck you i am only in my lovely home in FL for two weeks you can deal!
So i ended up getting venoms. Raptorsclaw said he would prefer that and i didn't care which so meh....ummm i will post a pic later when i get a chance to actually take one. The bitch is i am allergic to all the good anti-swelling stuff so i have to fucking deal with it waahhhh!
But i knew what i was getting into so i guess that kills that temper tantrum
Ummm i will have a chance to actually respond to comments tomorrow so sorry to anyone i haven't replied to i am busy!
Be good
Edited to add this:
So timagain can have another day of fame

Be good

Edited to add this:

So timagain can have another day of fame

Hey you , thanks for writing, E-mail or call me when you get back in town so we can hang out. Have a safe trip. Wish I was there enjoying the weather.

Hey, I haven't been around much either... good to know I'm not alone.
Just checking in to make sure all the fame hasn't gone to your head and to wish you a speedy trip back to Baltimore-- cuz FL sucks, not cuz I actually want you to leave.