Ok time to update. So I really enjoyed Aladdin. I hadn't seen it since it first came out so it was like seeing it all over again. Found out that Pixietits was in VA and she didn't even think about looking me up! Damn her
oh well maybe we will get some hot lovin in some other time
On other notes...i want a girlfriend
I miss having a cool chica to hang out with,make out with and take bubblebathes with.
Oh and I wish i could find someone into being with me and my man Raptorsclaw. I think we scare people when they find out we have a 24/7 master slave thingy going on. Don't be scared you never have to be beaten or any of that stuff if you don't want it! Imagine...i never would have thought there would come a day where i couldn't get a girlfriend. I think i'm just not looking hard enough. Well that kinda sounded a little conceited i guess...
But really anyone wanna be my girlfriend? i'll make you cookies!

On other notes...i want a girlfriend

Hmmm. I don't know how to help you on the girlfriend thing, but then looking at you I wonder how you have any problem getting a girlfriend...

can i have a cookie?