As i sit here and slowly lose all sense of intelligence i wonder...why are mondays supposed to suck? My monday has been pretty good thus phone calls,no pressing work related issues,not that time of the month,haven't caught my pup pissing on the computer know the usual things that make a person,well me,happy
That and i am stoned. God bless cheeba. Without it i am sure i would have to go on a violent rampage throughout this horrible city that i hate(baltimore,md). I still don't understand why people in this neighborhood shit where they eat basically.I mean when i was a kid i used to vandalize other neighborhoods not my own fucking neighborhood! take some personal pride here people....ick enough of that!
There is something in my pocket,it belongs across my face!I keep it very close to me in a most convenient place!I bet you couldn't guess it if you guessed a long,long while!So i'll take it out and put it on it's a great big fucking septum spike.
What were you expecting a smile?

There is something in my pocket,it belongs across my face!I keep it very close to me in a most convenient place!I bet you couldn't guess it if you guessed a long,long while!So i'll take it out and put it on it's a great big fucking septum spike.
What were you expecting a smile?

BTW nice profile pic