Ok just wanted to say if anyone wants to reach me email me at IndustrialPet@hotmail.com
this site is bullshit,my Sir got zotted for speaking his opinion in the SG in 2005 thread. Any place that does not respect another persons opinion is not the place for me.
I stand behind what he said. That this site needs more of the alternative girls they claim to...
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this site is bullshit,my Sir got zotted for speaking his opinion in the SG in 2005 thread. Any place that does not respect another persons opinion is not the place for me.
I stand behind what he said. That this site needs more of the alternative girls they claim to...
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Ok i needed to update just to clear my comment log! whew!
Gone for a fe days and you come back and you're swamped!
Anywhoooo happy New Year!
Gone for a fe days and you come back and you're swamped!

Hallo, and thanks for you comment on my cosplay pictures. I think we're doing young Tom Riddle and the Death Eaters next year. That sounds like a band.
*cough* Anywho, I'm fairly certain I'll be drafted to be Tom Riddle. Thanks again ^_^

All hail me!!!!! I was left on my mom's doorstep in a basket 22 years ago today. I was brought to this place to wreak havoc among man and to tear down everything you know!
So ummm,go do something nice for my birthday. Like drinking...or fucking..or tying up random women and beating them until they cry,but in a good way
thanx for all the birthday...
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So ummm,go do something nice for my birthday. Like drinking...or fucking..or tying up random women and beating them until they cry,but in a good way

thanx for all the birthday...
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No problem! That would be cool if you had a gathering. Where are you moving to?

Well I must say that you've made my day darling. My journal just wasn't the same without your pussywillowed armadillos.
Well I must say that you've made my day darling. My journal just wasn't the same without your pussywillowed armadillos.

Ok so i just got around to watching "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" can i say bizarre
i've had it since around the time it came out but never get the chance to watch movies.I love anything with music so it was pretty good,just bizarre and i've had too many people automatically assume i must like it when they meet me so of course i...
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Happy Birthday met pet...
Hope you are ready for it...
Hope you are ready for it...


Yay! My sweet pup Faith is preggo! We saw two little heartbeats at the vet today!
edited to say: anybody who is expecting a card from me i just wanted to say you will get one! my holiday corset has not come yet so we haven't had a chance to even make our holiday cards yet
so they will probably be more like new years...
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edited to say: anybody who is expecting a card from me i just wanted to say you will get one! my holiday corset has not come yet so we haven't had a chance to even make our holiday cards yet

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(a'la Jerry Lawler)
Interested in skiing/snowboarding?

Interested in skiing/snowboarding?
I actually did know that, because it happened to my brother!
22? How could anyone look that beautiful in just 22 short years?!
Called in sick today. Going to the doctor in an hour and a half from now. He'll probably just tell me to rest, take Tylenol and force fluids, but I keep thinking about how Jim Henson's life could have been saved if he had simply seen his doctor for his "little sore throat".
Lat night I had a major anxiety attack. I couldn't breathe through my nose, and had a little trouble breathing through my mouth because of a congested chest, so I was affraid that If I fell asleep, I'd die. So the anxiety grew worse, but I couldn't take my Xanax, because that would have put me to sleep! Viscious cycle. I'm just telling you this, because I know you could relate.
22? How could anyone look that beautiful in just 22 short years?!

Called in sick today. Going to the doctor in an hour and a half from now. He'll probably just tell me to rest, take Tylenol and force fluids, but I keep thinking about how Jim Henson's life could have been saved if he had simply seen his doctor for his "little sore throat".
Lat night I had a major anxiety attack. I couldn't breathe through my nose, and had a little trouble breathing through my mouth because of a congested chest, so I was affraid that If I fell asleep, I'd die. So the anxiety grew worse, but I couldn't take my Xanax, because that would have put me to sleep! Viscious cycle. I'm just telling you this, because I know you could relate.
hey, after this whole fiasco, i'm pretty positive i'm not suicide girl material, like, i am the "girl next door" look and shit. i'm one of those girls you're bitching about. sorry about that...


Ok I am updating just to bitch..seeing as how I don't pay for my membership and i am just waiting for my free time to expire I have every right to.
I am sick and tired of the sweet little innocent girl next door look. It is overplayed and frankly it makes me want to vomit. You want to be a little girl? You had...
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I am sick and tired of the sweet little innocent girl next door look. It is overplayed and frankly it makes me want to vomit. You want to be a little girl? You had...
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Just wanted to say congrats for going up at you know where!
I don't blame you for the rant. I'm only here for the community now. There's no way I'll ever be an SG, even if I wanted after what I've said indirectly about the staff and I don't care. I know I'm one of the young ones here but my reasons for doing sites like SG goes far beyond what most people think.
Have a great Christmas!

I don't blame you for the rant. I'm only here for the community now. There's no way I'll ever be an SG, even if I wanted after what I've said indirectly about the staff and I don't care. I know I'm one of the young ones here but my reasons for doing sites like SG goes far beyond what most people think.
Have a great Christmas!

i dont even look at the sets anymore, i usually am too busy on the boards or in the groups. i have noticed the SGs have less piercings and tatts, and that they are showing less. i probably wont renew either.
Have a Merry Christmas
[Edited on Dec 22, 2004 6:54AM]

Have a Merry Christmas
[Edited on Dec 22, 2004 6:54AM]
Just wanted to come and say hello to all the wonderful people who keep leaving me comments. I am in the middle of working on a set for another website since this one has turned out to not really want alternative girls after all! Also in March I will hopefully be launching my own site as well. I promise to keep everyone posted
Sorry for...
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i wish you a great christmas ... hope the hurricanes didnt hit you too hard this year
yeah on all the good stuff.... 20 lashes for not posting
which would then make it good stuff to I guess... no fair

Just updating to say I am getting my wisdom teeth removed early tomorrow morning so will be AWOL for a few days.
Updated to say: Sorry guys you will have to wait a little longer. Nothing ever goes well for me. They had to really dig one tooth out of the top of my head that they didn't even know was there at first. And...
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Updated to say: Sorry guys you will have to wait a little longer. Nothing ever goes well for me. They had to really dig one tooth out of the top of my head that they didn't even know was there at first. And...
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awe i fucking had the wost time getting mine out and an infection that brought me to my knees.so i'm wishing you well.i know how it feels.
and happy holidays.even tho i'm more of a scrooge.

and happy holidays.even tho i'm more of a scrooge.

Awwwww, sounds like it really sucked, but atleast the worst is over with. And you won't have to worry about your jaws swelling up and aching every time your wisdom teeth decide to shift. I'll be going to get mine done soon enough. I know some of mine are impacted...okay, they probably all are..they can't even come up out of the gum....you can see the tops of the bottom ones, but they're down in the gum, and the top ones never emerged. You can feel the point of them through the gum, but that's about it. So I'm sure it will be fun! I really hope you start feeling better soon though girl!

Ok so it seems i have stirred up a nest of yickyness with a recent post i made in the hopefuls group. And i might add,that is the exact reason why i never post in that group
Everyone wants something different and everyone has an opinion..it goes like this
Opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and they always stink!
This site needs some more hot...
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Opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and they always stink!
This site needs some more hot...
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you're doing a great job with your pics..they are always awesome...and you're such a naughty girl....I LOVE IT !!

Thank you. I've been drinking plenty of OJ, and Orange tea w/honey.
I've been saying prayers and sending white light for your teeth, and will do so even more tomorrow. I know everything will go smoothly for you!
I've been saying prayers and sending white light for your teeth, and will do so even more tomorrow. I know everything will go smoothly for you!

As for the "dick in the mouth" stuff, well, you cannot and will not find a community this cool based upon such a site. The BEST part about SG are the others members, NOT the naked pics. It's sad that your SIR did not get a chance to experience it. I know you have. Think of it this way, Mylf, you would not met someone like her on a "dick in mouth" site , but you did meet her here.
Also he broke one of the goldcen rules of SG, you can be critical, but don't be a jerk about it. He made valid points in that first post, but the second one got him zotted.
You will be missed.