I planned on getting the oil in my truck changed today. As I approached my beloved mechanic, I saw a vacant lot where his shop once was (not that long ago).
I guess it was inevitable when you own an expensive piece of real estate in Lakeview.
This may seem insignificant, however I felt fortunate to have found a trustworthy mechanic in a town full of jerks. I mean, I would regularly see his mechanics playing a game of chess during their breaks for chissakes! This was not your regular garage with nudie posters on the wall and obese mechanics that didn't know their head from their ass who would drool all over anything with a pair of tits that walked by in between bites of White Castle.
Whew. OK, I've calmed down now.
More gin.
I guess it was inevitable when you own an expensive piece of real estate in Lakeview.
This may seem insignificant, however I felt fortunate to have found a trustworthy mechanic in a town full of jerks. I mean, I would regularly see his mechanics playing a game of chess during their breaks for chissakes! This was not your regular garage with nudie posters on the wall and obese mechanics that didn't know their head from their ass who would drool all over anything with a pair of tits that walked by in between bites of White Castle.
Whew. OK, I've calmed down now.
More gin.
Wow, I wish I could have found a shop like that.... I woudlprobably still be working on cars.