Thursday Nov 04, 2004 Nov 4, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email I think the Daily Show is the only thing that will get me through these next four years. Oh yeah...and bourbon. VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS ilovemikehunt: dude, i miss sound gallery! my friend's fam got me a gift certificate to second hand tunes (YAY!) that doesn't werk at the gallwhorey, does it? happy new year! Jan 1, 2005 wireless: Hey indigo, Haven't been around in a while. I'll have to check out Caravan. Do you have any of their other albums? I'll try to stop by the gallery sometime. What days are you in? Jan 8, 2005
my friend's fam got me a gift certificate to second hand tunes (YAY!) that doesn't werk at the gallwhorey, does it?
happy new year!
Haven't been around in a while. I'll have to check out Caravan. Do you have any of their other albums? I'll try to stop by the gallery sometime. What days are you in?