Hello SG. I have a bit of news.
As of today, I've requested my account to be closed ( it's still active as of now ).
No offense to anyone, I just feel like my time here has come to and end.
I certainly enjoyed chatting with many of you. This site, and the people on it, made me feel very welcome.
My account will expire next year, and for now, I'll just be " phasing " myself out.
So, a very large THANK YOU to all that I've become friends with, and I hope you all take care in any and everything you do.
Sincerely ... Lee.
As of today, I've requested my account to be closed ( it's still active as of now ).
No offense to anyone, I just feel like my time here has come to and end.
I certainly enjoyed chatting with many of you. This site, and the people on it, made me feel very welcome.
My account will expire next year, and for now, I'll just be " phasing " myself out.
So, a very large THANK YOU to all that I've become friends with, and I hope you all take care in any and everything you do.
Sincerely ... Lee.
I will miss you around here! Hope to see you back here soon!

Happy Birthday!!