Alright people should have done this blog days ago but I have bad laziness sometimes! Lol
So here's my awesome response to my
Zombie BlogSPOILERS! (Click to view)
My SG Picks:
Venom: not only is she one of my favorite sg's but this sex lady knows how to weild a real rifle and that I need to have in my troupe.
My second choice will be the ever so lovely

She can contribute cause she's a nurse and such a hottie with a body. And such a great and caring mind I know shell keep us tightly knit and healthy. Also one of her favorite video games is left for dead so I know this girl knows zombie strategy and tactics. So she's an obvious choice.
My Hopeful Picks:
My sister from another mister
Would be my first hopeful pick.
She can help me grow the green grass and she's a hard core bad ass lady who is sexy as all hell and in sure she's people savvy and knows how to get what she wants. She's gorgeous self confident and strong and I have to have her with me at the end of the world!
My second choice would be the lovely miss

Reason being. Shell keep me in high spirits she has such a young creative spirit. Shell help us carry on when things get hard. And her Alice tattoo will keep me focused and remember who I am. Her love and determined mind set will prove useful in times of hard ship.
My weapon of choice...
Close quarters:
katana ill slice em...
And then dice em with my m-19-11...
And pretty much fuck their day up
As far as bunkering down ill pull a
Walking Dead status and clear out a prison and rock that shit lik queens in a castle. Get some!!!!
Hope you all enjoyed my little two part interactive blog. Sorry my response took so long. But I really was having trouble settle on a team and then forgot to write the blog! Lol
On a craftier note I've begun making prograss with my Home Made Crochet'd Leggings .
here's a little information on them. Please keep in mind I totally taught myself so there are a few kinks I'm. Trying to figure out!
If you're interested in purchasing a pair email me at
$7.00 for two colors
$8.00 for three colors
$10.00 for custom designs
all are + s&h
I will ship out of country but you will be required to cover the postage.
when you email me please include the follow information
-option #
-measurement around ankle, mid calf, right under the knee in inches please
-mailing address
We will discuss payment options via email.
Thanks for your support and love everyone!
stay beautiful for me
Love you to lady!!!