SOOO i have rediscovered my love of crocheting and have started on a pair of leg warmers!!!!!
Im thinking about making basic custom leg warmers if people think they will purchase them for like $5 plus S&H
Just to make some quick cash on the side while doing something entertaining for myself!
I dunno I'll throw a couple pictures up here and on facebook once i finish a few and see how that turns out lol
I can't believe that its already December 12th, only 7 more days until my 21st bithdayy!!!!! bah i am so excited still unsure of what i will be doing though. Any fun ideas besides the bar and midnight
oh and my fourth set is all finished I will be uploading it by the end of the week! fingers crossed this one does the best!
here are a few sneaky peakys
Im thinking about making basic custom leg warmers if people think they will purchase them for like $5 plus S&H

I dunno I'll throw a couple pictures up here and on facebook once i finish a few and see how that turns out lol
I can't believe that its already December 12th, only 7 more days until my 21st bithdayy!!!!! bah i am so excited still unsure of what i will be doing though. Any fun ideas besides the bar and midnight

oh and my fourth set is all finished I will be uploading it by the end of the week! fingers crossed this one does the best!

here are a few sneaky peakys
Let me know what you think!!
keep sharing the love and stay sexy for me!
Instagram: @IndicaTokes
Facebook: Indica Tokes SG Hopeful Fan Page
Twitter: @indicatokes42
ModelMayhem if your interested in working together: Indica Tokes Sg Hopful MM #2626640
Check out my Non Profit too The boys i work with would love the attention!!! lol
Literally all that changes when you become 21 is legal drinking and gambling, so maybe find a native american casino or come to Vegas for a night?
And omg, I love those teasers!
I remember seeing some of those pictures on your profile and was hoping it would be an SG set!
Hopefully this set will be the one.