Going out to Cali-FORN-I-A with my babe and two of my roommates
I'll be in LAX tuesday night and leaving saturday morning!
oh and I'll be in hollywood at some point! so keep an eye out for the little Blazing Asian Indica_Tokes
<3 <3 <3
hoepfully I'll get some ink while I'm out there. I will be Instagraming everythingggg so if you're not following me DO ITTTT hehehe oh and my twitter @IndicaTokes.
oh and check out my FB if you aren't already liking my page go show it some love<3
Indica_Tokes SG Hopeful FB Page
check out my business too. Its booming right now and your support is so appreciated
RICaregivers Inc.
I love you guysss


Going out to Cali-FORN-I-A with my babe and two of my roommates

oh and I'll be in hollywood at some point! so keep an eye out for the little Blazing Asian Indica_Tokes
<3 <3 <3
hoepfully I'll get some ink while I'm out there. I will be Instagraming everythingggg so if you're not following me DO ITTTT hehehe oh and my twitter @IndicaTokes.
oh and check out my FB if you aren't already liking my page go show it some love<3
Indica_Tokes SG Hopeful FB Page
check out my business too. Its booming right now and your support is so appreciated

RICaregivers Inc.
I love you guysss


And when will you be over here?

Hopefully when I turn pink I'll get to travel for the company but if takes longer than expected I'll be traveling out to the UK to visit the lovely Astoria_