So with halloween around the corner I am still trying to figure out what costume out of these ones that i want to get to run around that night whatever i decide to do with my boo for our one year anniversary
Take a peeksie help me outttt!!
Since me and the boo went to the Halloween Store of course i had to look at all the awesome wigs and couldn't resist wanting them all!!!!
On top of all the fun halloween stuff I've had kittens running wild in my house for the past 6 weeks. Its absolutely bonkers with them on top of being sick on top of running my business from home!!! NO REST and its like I have kids or something! lol but here are my pretty fuzzziesssss
With that last picture of Ghosty being shown, leads me into my newest obsession. Since I've been without a phone for so long now that I finally have one again I can't seem to stop instagramiming!!!!
If you haven't started following me yet please do so @indicatokes
Most of those pictures were taken at the Situate art fair and what fun that was! here's the few other unedited ones
and for my favorite part, today is the most awesome day of the year simply because the most awesome show is coming back on television!!! and drummmmm roooollleeeeeeee
THE WALKING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KILL AL THE ZOMBIEEEESSSSS muahahahaha, i pray for a zombie Apocalypse if im gonna be on this earth when it ends, i should be able to slay a few zombies before i go out! cause come on seriously who doesn't love a good zombie ass wooping!!!!!!! I love all things zombiessssssssss<3 lol [/SPOILER]
Alright my lovely SG pervies from my favorite SG land i hope you enjoy your pictures overload you guys stay sexxxxyyy hehehe