AHHHH! The holidays always have me SOOO busy, && to top it off, it was also recently my babe's birthday, so I've been doing nothing other than running around! Thanksgiving was great though && I was able to see a lot of family that I haven't seen in about 4 years, which is always pleasant. My family isn't really much of a family, everyone keeps themselves at a safe distance, and that has lately been bumming me out so to spend a day of quality family time was really special to my heart. *queue audience 'awwww!'*
I also recently got an Instax 210 wide! Which I'm thinking I'll be opening up an Etsy shop to sell prints off of. I've already been going kind of instax crazy and wasted a majority of film on my kitty cats (=^.^=) cats are never a waste tho, so it is oookay by me! Speaking of prints! One of my group photoshoots was just recently printed in VEGAS magazine! :D Always a cool feeling.
Also, I'm planning a SG && Hopeful meet up down in San Diego Monday, Dec. 23, which I could not be more stoked about (if you live in or around SD plz come!) && that following Monday I'll be flying out to Sacramento to be tattooed by one of my favourite artists!
I hope each && everyone of you are doing well && staying happy.
Selfies because! I apologize for the photodump!
xx - Indi ♡♡♡