Thursday Aug 26, 2004 Aug 26, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email baleted. VIEW 26 of 26 COMMENTS mrdisposal: yeah it's the one in the mall in olathe. i dunno about no bookstores. i don't walk around that place i just go to work. uhhhhhhhhh. ima buy a gun from alex. tell him to cut me a deal. Sep 4, 2004 dem_z: Hi, how's it going with the ulcer? I've been swimming in the sea this weekend; cold but fun. Sep 6, 2004
i dunno about no bookstores. i don't walk around that place i just go to work. uhhhhhhhhh.
ima buy a gun from alex.
tell him to cut me a deal.
I've been swimming in the sea this weekend; cold but fun.