The sunshine seems to recover nicely from all the pissing fucking rain we get the day before.
It's making all the crap in my backyard grow weird fungi.
We have about 7 different types of mushrooms growing in our backyard. I will have to destroy them soon because we have a dear 2 year old that will want to eat them when he sees them.
My daughter gave me a Mother's Day present today and it made my heart melt. It was a Shrinky Dink keychain that she drew tulips and hearts on...
I want to become active again in my community but every time I try, I lock up and get all dumb-like. True story.
Until then, I will try to break my anxieties by continuing to have my weekend barbecues. Hell yes.
It's making all the crap in my backyard grow weird fungi.
We have about 7 different types of mushrooms growing in our backyard. I will have to destroy them soon because we have a dear 2 year old that will want to eat them when he sees them.
My daughter gave me a Mother's Day present today and it made my heart melt. It was a Shrinky Dink keychain that she drew tulips and hearts on...
I want to become active again in my community but every time I try, I lock up and get all dumb-like. True story.
Until then, I will try to break my anxieties by continuing to have my weekend barbecues. Hell yes.