Mornin'. I'm at work right now and I'm fucken blown. I Love Lucy should be on rightj now.
i will try
hello sweetness very cute. wuz up with you around you way eeek
Yo yo! I got my nips pierced 2 weeks ago and they are finally healing! But I did notice that the right one is more on the outer part of my nip and I think it's gonna end up giving me problems. If anyone can give me the insider scoop . . . I'd really appreciate it. smile miao!!
mine took around 6 months before they stopped giving me problems. it was plenty of pain for atleast 2-3 months. maybe its because they were pierced with 12's. downsized to 8s and theyve been rad ever since. most girls i talk to say they didnt hurt very much. mine were fucking painful. but i did get a serious rush on the first one. the second was just pain. pretty rad for a first piercing though.
heyy why can't i see you? yeah i have some other piercings listed on my profile... i like having ones that arent easily seen or known about. id like to get others but i dont know what really.. as far as tats go, to me they seem to be a big part of self expression and mine is always changing. doesnt mean ill never get any. as far as SB goes its just a real rad place to chill in. not so much to do but i like it here alot. hit me up on aim...
I just my nipples pierced! Oh my god did that fucken hurt. The first one I took like a champ, but the second one nearly