ok, so the make-up pics were HORRIFYING...because the lighting in my house is from hell. sorry, no proof this time. i did look pretty couture/wild.
i am taking the day off to read my book and go to the gym. my allergies have been giving me hell and i don't sleep at night due to LACK OF BREATHING. At 3:33 last night i wished i could sleep through til morning. what a waste of a wish. i just lay there half-asleep obsessively thinking about the pets in the wake of hurricane Katrina. And snoring. and toothpick trying to get me to stop, and my cat emma chewing on newspaper....all in all not the best night of sleep.

i am taking the day off to read my book and go to the gym. my allergies have been giving me hell and i don't sleep at night due to LACK OF BREATHING. At 3:33 last night i wished i could sleep through til morning. what a waste of a wish. i just lay there half-asleep obsessively thinking about the pets in the wake of hurricane Katrina. And snoring. and toothpick trying to get me to stop, and my cat emma chewing on newspaper....all in all not the best night of sleep.

so you've been fired from your receptionist jobs huh? well i got one better! i've been fired from my Mervyn's and Claire's jobs! and no i didnt steal anything nor did i come in drunk.
i think maybe housewifeing is my fate.
anyway, i have been trying not to think of the pets in the hurricane. yeah its sad about the people but animals are so much more helpless and cant even call out. most the time. ok ok no more. lets think of the safe ones. i like that.
well i better get ready. we're going to get the car washed, happy day!