It has been made abundantly clear that something would be missing in my life if i didn't join SG. I would never TRULY understand my toothpickmoe unless I, too, delved into the underworld community of this site. So here i am. And the real fuck of it is now i have to spend the rest of my day thinking of witty answers for my profile. AND i can't get my picture to be not distorted....anyone got any hints on that one?
Hahahaha, I see toothpick already dragged you into Celeb Worship.....
welcome to the site...I have nothing witty, gross, overtly sexual, self-deprecating, insulting, obsequious, incriminating, vile, lewd, pornographic, poetic, flowery, nerd-like, arrrogant, sheepish, or otherwise worthy to say at the moment. (However, as you have already noticed, there are multitudes around here who will, without pause, spare not a moment to do so...please enjoy)