(bats eyes and makes the "you flatter me" hand gesture. which could also be construed as the "fey" gesture, but not, in fact, in this case)
1. I am the biggest nerd. Ever. Seriously. I was editor of my high school yearbook and my favorite hobby is reading. toothpickmoe once told my parents, in all sincerity, I like to learn.
2. I went to Air Academy High in Colorado Springs, Colorado, then The Theatre School of Depaul Univ in Chicago then i moved to LA. My folks and sister live in Montana. I am inordinately proud of these rather banal facts.
3. I am obsessed with the twenty or so pounds I need to lose, but can't seem to change enough to fix it. i hate the whole "it's a lifestyle" thing. My lifestyle is food and booze and smokes, thus...
4. I smoke and drink like a champ. I wish there were an olympic event.
5. I have a problem feeling guilt. Or rather, i don't feel guilty. On rare occassions, i wish i hadn't been caught, but that's about the extent of it.
6. For a long time, I cheated on every man i was ever in a relationship with. That ended about 4 years ago. Thank God. What a mess.
7. I never thought i would get married. I guess i was wrong.
8. I am totally fiscally irresponsible. I blame this on being a Leo and a lot of fun.
9. I worry that i will sell cosmetics for the rest of my life and never fulfill any of my artistic endeavors. This keeps me up at night.
10. I love sleeping. So, actually, nothing really keeps me up at night. I can sleep anywhere anytime...on cocaine in point of fact.
11. My friends are my heart, my soul, my raison d'etre. I love my ladies like i love shoes and luggage.
12. I love my man because i can put no words to him or to us. We defy gravity. LITERALLY. You should see it.
13. I wish i had been raised in a religion. I think i could be deeper, spiritually, and what fun is it to spurn organized religion when you've never been a part of it. I might also understand the middle east a little better.
14. I have eczema. My skin sucks. It is dry and itchy. When I stress out, it can even hospitalize me! Woo Hoo!
15. I am very competitive, but when pressed just a little I will immediately back down. Yes. I am like a poodle protecting it's yard.
16. i believe strongly in emotional extremes. Laughing til you pee and crying like Niagara Falls ARE the human experience.
17. I have a tendancy to think anything I say of importance should be followed with the statement: That may or may not be bullshit. I think I need counseling.
18. I think I need counseling. I've never done it. Some say that the theatre school was the same thing, but i would love to talk about just ME for 45 min a week. And I'm totally fucked up in ways I can't figure out.
19. That may or may not be bullshit.
20. I never thought i would write twenty things about myself on my boyfriend's porn site. Yes, before I truly understood SG I was VERY threatened. Then i saw a show in portland, and the softening started. I've turned into an SG advocate!!
So there ya go. I am witholding tags for the moment....but watchout they could come at anytime!
(bats eyes and makes the "you flatter me" hand gesture. which could also be construed as the "fey" gesture, but not, in fact, in this case)
1. I am the biggest nerd. Ever. Seriously. I was editor of my high school yearbook and my favorite hobby is reading. toothpickmoe once told my parents, in all sincerity, I like to learn.
2. I went to Air Academy High in Colorado Springs, Colorado, then The Theatre School of Depaul Univ in Chicago then i moved to LA. My folks and sister live in Montana. I am inordinately proud of these rather banal facts.
3. I am obsessed with the twenty or so pounds I need to lose, but can't seem to change enough to fix it. i hate the whole "it's a lifestyle" thing. My lifestyle is food and booze and smokes, thus...
4. I smoke and drink like a champ. I wish there were an olympic event.
5. I have a problem feeling guilt. Or rather, i don't feel guilty. On rare occassions, i wish i hadn't been caught, but that's about the extent of it.
6. For a long time, I cheated on every man i was ever in a relationship with. That ended about 4 years ago. Thank God. What a mess.
7. I never thought i would get married. I guess i was wrong.
8. I am totally fiscally irresponsible. I blame this on being a Leo and a lot of fun.
9. I worry that i will sell cosmetics for the rest of my life and never fulfill any of my artistic endeavors. This keeps me up at night.
10. I love sleeping. So, actually, nothing really keeps me up at night. I can sleep anywhere anytime...on cocaine in point of fact.
11. My friends are my heart, my soul, my raison d'etre. I love my ladies like i love shoes and luggage.
12. I love my man because i can put no words to him or to us. We defy gravity. LITERALLY. You should see it.
13. I wish i had been raised in a religion. I think i could be deeper, spiritually, and what fun is it to spurn organized religion when you've never been a part of it. I might also understand the middle east a little better.
14. I have eczema. My skin sucks. It is dry and itchy. When I stress out, it can even hospitalize me! Woo Hoo!
15. I am very competitive, but when pressed just a little I will immediately back down. Yes. I am like a poodle protecting it's yard.
16. i believe strongly in emotional extremes. Laughing til you pee and crying like Niagara Falls ARE the human experience.
17. I have a tendancy to think anything I say of importance should be followed with the statement: That may or may not be bullshit. I think I need counseling.
18. I think I need counseling. I've never done it. Some say that the theatre school was the same thing, but i would love to talk about just ME for 45 min a week. And I'm totally fucked up in ways I can't figure out.
19. That may or may not be bullshit.
20. I never thought i would write twenty things about myself on my boyfriend's porn site. Yes, before I truly understood SG I was VERY threatened. Then i saw a show in portland, and the softening started. I've turned into an SG advocate!!
So there ya go. I am witholding tags for the moment....but watchout they could come at anytime!
if lisa gets kicked off tonight ill stop watching the show. eep.