I know I’m a day early but I really wanted to say thank you to this site and this community. When I first came here YEARS ago I was a creepy little pre-incel dude with no idea how to talk to or relate to women. I was...not great.
It’s hard to quantify exactly everything I’ve gotten from my time here. I think getting to be exposed to such free sexual expression and positivity and to actually get to interact with its creators and purveyors made me a much better friend an ally to the women in my life. It certainly helped me better understand what women want in a partner, and a friend.
And oh man, the friends I’ve made. There are people here that I talk to more in “real life” now than I do on SG, and that I’d still be talking to if I quit the site, and I want to thank them all for being in my life to some degree, even if it’s just the occasional conversation!
@dame @amberetta @melusine2908 @heccles @gunflower and many others!
So thank you, SG, for all of the beautiful sexy art, and also for making me a better and more complete person.