hey friends + lovers...
sorry for being out-of-commission for the last little while but i've been in thailand + laos for the last few weeks on this research trip. which has been pretty incredible. we just spent the last week down south on the island of Don Det which sits on the Mekong River on the border with Cambodia. a really stunning place.
apart from the wonderful people who are really warm and kind, Laos also has a fucking fantastic beer:
some great adventures thus far including taking a long bus ride packed next to 2 tons of rice and some wild chickens.
im currently in the capital of Vientiane where we're going to meet with a Laotian filmmaker later this afternoon. drop me a line and let me know how you're doing as i'll have more regular access to email for the next lil bit (and lemme know if you want a postcard too - im all about the postcards).
im back in NYC on march 29th and im looking forward to seeing + hearing + kissing you all again soon.

sorry for being out-of-commission for the last little while but i've been in thailand + laos for the last few weeks on this research trip. which has been pretty incredible. we just spent the last week down south on the island of Don Det which sits on the Mekong River on the border with Cambodia. a really stunning place.

apart from the wonderful people who are really warm and kind, Laos also has a fucking fantastic beer:

some great adventures thus far including taking a long bus ride packed next to 2 tons of rice and some wild chickens.
im currently in the capital of Vientiane where we're going to meet with a Laotian filmmaker later this afternoon. drop me a line and let me know how you're doing as i'll have more regular access to email for the next lil bit (and lemme know if you want a postcard too - im all about the postcards).
im back in NYC on march 29th and im looking forward to seeing + hearing + kissing you all again soon.

welcome back, tickler monkey...