Hey all, Well Im home, I have felt better, but the painkillers really help, Im hooked up to a machine 24hrs a day for the next week, It makes weird noises and keeps me awake at night, But because I dont want to just whine and complain lets look at the good side, Im not going to be at work for another week YAAAY. And for your viewing pleasure....
My best fwend from when I was a little boy, I havent seen him in 2years, so he came up to see me last week, we had such a laugh, missed him so much.

A U.S. School bus... not something you see in the UK ever, so that was interesting....

Cos Im stuck in the house and a bit lonely right now, heres the view from our peep hole.... hehee peep hole....hehehe pee

It's yooooou
Love ya honey