Well hello folks. Ive been really lazy the past few days, you know what its like when you start a week off. its great. However, something to spoil my fun, Got the results from a sample the doc took a few weeks ago, and it turns out i have a form of skin cancer, usually only found in older people. Thats why its taken them so long to work out what it is. So I have to have it removed, that means a skin graft too. its quite large, so means a lot will be removed. so im gonna end up with some great scars... oh joy
but there is always an up side right? Tattoo coverage! yay. ill start planning them the day its done.
Hope ya'll are well. Im ok, trust me.
Hope ya'll are well. Im ok, trust me.
Im glad you're being positive. I do trust you. The tattoo idea is great
*cyber hugs*
aw.... Im sure there will be moments like this... I spent the last year nursing a friend thru a cancer experiance. There are lots of positive recovery stories, just focus on those, and be sure to surround yourself with loving support when you start feeling down.. of course you have us here, but real live hugs are so much more fufilling
Staying positive is pretty key tho it may be hard sumtimes. Remember you are in many peoples thoughts and prayers.