I broke up with the boy last night. The simplest way to put it is, I fell hard, he didn't and I've been through too much bullshit to just take what I can get, it's time for me to get what I want. When I left his place last night, I hugged him, and told him I was so glad I met him. Which I am. Because of him, I had the motivation to do what I needed to with my life.
Still, I feel completely crushed.
Still, I feel completely crushed.
You win for pulling out the Golden Girls theme song. No lie, I fucking love that show. I sing it to myself and Matt thinks I am crazy.
Well, I work Sunday afternoon so that is out. But I would like to see you tomorrow, if you are still down I would like to see ya
We'll be going to a movie then either Jupes or Caseys or somewhere after