I've decided I need to make a list of all the things I'd like to do, all the projects I have to work on, so that I can tick them off as I complete them.
This is in no particular order
(1) I was given a very bent and messed up french horn. I'd like to take it apart, strip the lacquer, repare the dents and also fix the lead pipe, which apparently was torn off. In other words, I'd like to bring it back from the dead. It didn't cost me anything, and I still have my own french horn to play, but it'd be nice to resurrect this one. If I can't fix it to playable status, I'll fix it so I can use it as some sort of artwork or something. Anyone know anything about fixing brass instruments? Metal work? I have an intimate knowledge of what it SHOULD look like, but I may need help with the details of how to do certain things. Here's a pic - though that was taken before the lead pipe (where the mouthpiece would go) was snapped off. I didn't receive the broken part either, so it needs to be replaced.
(2) Work on my personal website, One Honest Voice. It needs to have an automated blog sorta system added, as well as tweaks on the gallery, more pictures added, more content generally, a BBS system, and the back end part of the site should be easier to change.. Probably PHP or SSI sorta thing.. Haven't thought that part out too much yet.. CSS too though, obv. Right now it's all hard coded.. In the future, I'd also like to make the current pico shell I have more functioning, such as allowing the ctrl commands to actually work..
(3) Read all the things I have to read, a few books, a few things by other people I know that I have to comment upon..
(4) Start making clothes. On my list are a corset top of some kind (inspired by Cherries) and a long ankle length skirt (being tall means I can't actually buy something that long in stores)
(5)Another project for my website, baseball/trading card game featuring cool people I know..
(6) Portraits of Fuckheads. Inspired by quasi_sean I want to write portraits of all the idiotic or stupid people I know/have known.. Note, numbers 5 and 6 don't have a huge list of candidates yet, so if you aspire to be one of them, lol, get to know me better.
(7) Start performing again. Find somewhere to sing/play.
(8) Rewrite the backend database system for Totse.com. This is a combined project with the two other active administrators on the site.
(9) Add more pictures and text, and other content to Staaain.org The memorial site for my friend that died. I have a lot of stuff I didn't put up yet, need to get that done.
(10) Draw and paint more often. I have a few projects in mind, things I have to do, things I want to do. Other things that are half completed that I should finish.
(11) Put up a reall cool band website for my friend Sam.
(12) figure out what I should do with my life, since (as evidenced by this post) I have such weird, varied and odd skillsets.
There. Anyone think of anything else I need to do?
This is in no particular order
(1) I was given a very bent and messed up french horn. I'd like to take it apart, strip the lacquer, repare the dents and also fix the lead pipe, which apparently was torn off. In other words, I'd like to bring it back from the dead. It didn't cost me anything, and I still have my own french horn to play, but it'd be nice to resurrect this one. If I can't fix it to playable status, I'll fix it so I can use it as some sort of artwork or something. Anyone know anything about fixing brass instruments? Metal work? I have an intimate knowledge of what it SHOULD look like, but I may need help with the details of how to do certain things. Here's a pic - though that was taken before the lead pipe (where the mouthpiece would go) was snapped off. I didn't receive the broken part either, so it needs to be replaced.

(2) Work on my personal website, One Honest Voice. It needs to have an automated blog sorta system added, as well as tweaks on the gallery, more pictures added, more content generally, a BBS system, and the back end part of the site should be easier to change.. Probably PHP or SSI sorta thing.. Haven't thought that part out too much yet.. CSS too though, obv. Right now it's all hard coded.. In the future, I'd also like to make the current pico shell I have more functioning, such as allowing the ctrl commands to actually work..
(3) Read all the things I have to read, a few books, a few things by other people I know that I have to comment upon..
(4) Start making clothes. On my list are a corset top of some kind (inspired by Cherries) and a long ankle length skirt (being tall means I can't actually buy something that long in stores)
(5)Another project for my website, baseball/trading card game featuring cool people I know..
(6) Portraits of Fuckheads. Inspired by quasi_sean I want to write portraits of all the idiotic or stupid people I know/have known.. Note, numbers 5 and 6 don't have a huge list of candidates yet, so if you aspire to be one of them, lol, get to know me better.
(7) Start performing again. Find somewhere to sing/play.
(8) Rewrite the backend database system for Totse.com. This is a combined project with the two other active administrators on the site.
(9) Add more pictures and text, and other content to Staaain.org The memorial site for my friend that died. I have a lot of stuff I didn't put up yet, need to get that done.
(10) Draw and paint more often. I have a few projects in mind, things I have to do, things I want to do. Other things that are half completed that I should finish.
(11) Put up a reall cool band website for my friend Sam.
(12) figure out what I should do with my life, since (as evidenced by this post) I have such weird, varied and odd skillsets.
There. Anyone think of anything else I need to do?
[Edited on Jul 19, 2005 10:01PM]
Our hearts speak in tongues
Instances work between us
The small reality that is
A larger truth we create
If our words speak for us
How do we know they are felt
Who is to say that this is the time
When masks are shed
True faces are shown
Take your hand in mine
Tell me one last time
How you stood on the shores
Of this desire and waited for me to cross
A boat built out of conscious desire
I paddle across with resolve
Don't let this moment pass
They are so short
If I could show you through my eyes
Would you accept this
Or would you think of former lies
Your fingers touch my lonely skin
It cries out in need
Let us not think of our past
A future is undefined
Shall we write our own story