I'm watching Dead Like Me. This show's pretty fantastic and I like it a lot. Only I don't relate so well. I was never that kid. I was never lost and never confused. I always had a direction. I think too much to lose my way, you know? I'm a thinker.
It's a really awesome show.. I liked it, it's too bad it finished, and over here don't rerunning it. frown
You know how some people have secret identities? They're not just John Smith or Jane Doe. They're super heros, protected witnesses, mob bosses or rap stars who should be dead and buried with the bullet still in their brain.

Well that's me. Only I don't fight, narc on or conspire. I'm secretly an artist. A painter, drawer, sculptor, photographer, print maker. I'm secretly a master...
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hi beauty smile

Stumbled across this and just wanted to say Great Blog! It is nice to finally say "Hi" to God. smile

Never knew she would be so beautiful. love love love
In a 52 card deck, we would all agree that the odds of a particular card being on top of the stack would be 1 in 52.

Are the odds of a particular card being third from the top also 1 in 52 or do they change?

Do the odds of a particular card being third from the top change if you look at the...
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Are the odds of a particular card being third from the top also 1 in 52 or do they change?

Nope, still one in 52.

Do the odds of a particular card being third from the top change if you look at the top two cards?

Then it'd be one in 50 (provided it wasn't one of the top two cards).

What if you INTEND on looking at the top two cards...do the odds change before you actually look?

You could say that the deck was effectively just 50 cards, since you're disregarding the top two. The odds would change when you ask what the odds are, since the size of the deck is contained in that question.

Also, I read your blog from the top down.

Also also, it's 3:45. I gotta get to sleep.

I've started yet another cycle of re-watching all my old sci-fi favorites. I'm such an addict.
Oh I would so love to join a roller derby team! I would kick so much ass. I have the highest pain tolerance of anyone I know, and I can be fucking viscious! There's even a local team around here...unfortunately, I work in technical theatre. Which is a direct conflict with each and every practice, scrimmage and bout because I work exclusively at night.

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I have a week off! I just closed Barefoot in the Park. Tech for my next show starts in a week. Which means I have THIS week to dick around! Catch up on some TV. Read a book. See a movie. Maybe I'll even go to Rocky Horror so I'll finally have an excuse to wear my pink leopard-print platforms. wink
Pink leopard-print platforms? Oh, my.

Enjoy the week off.
Oh yes. I have a weakness for really horrible shoes. smile