- on gingersnap's video
- on gingersnap's blog post
- on moon's page
- on Untitled in big boob appreciation
I just got my account back so please feel free to hit me up as I need some more friends on her to talk to
new week is here and I have decided that I want a new tattoo haha all of my tattoos include some kind of skull or are batman related...or both. So this time I am looking for something different. I have a few ideas but haven;t completely decided what I want first. hopefully I can get something done in the next few weeks because my skin...
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I have been thinking that it is time to stop being so anti social and start making friends so if anyone on here ever wants to talk feel free to hmu on here anytime
on a side note I just learned how to blow smoke circles and I feel pretty awesome about it
on a side note I just learned how to blow smoke circles and I feel pretty awesome about it
Thankyou for the friend request!
I accepted but its still not showing up so I've tried to request you back
I accepted but its still not showing up so I've tried to request you back
things are looking a bit better now. I think that I just needed to let life beat me up a bit. I really hope thing keep going as well as they have. Thanks to everyone that talked to me and helped cheer me up =)
good that you feel much better, I send you a hug, I hope you follow very positive muahhhh 

kinda depressed,
aren't the way I wanted them to be...I think I'll get through this. I just wish I had more peop
le around to help talk me trough it

life in general just went another way then expected but the last few days have made it better =)
Big hug sweet boy!!! I hope u feel better now <3
first ever buisness trip was a success back to cali and the grind tomorrow...Washington has been nice but I need to get back home cuz I'm sick of the cold and rain lol