Ive learned not to take things for granted. I had a fucked up childhood that carried over through my twenties. It wasnt until i turned 30 that i decided i needed to make a change or i wouldnt make it to see 40. I quit drinking started trying to b a better person. I cut out most of the toxic people in my life. Now im 36 and im the happiest ive ever been. I blame all of this flanders happiness bullshit on @colombia She has been sparkle in my life a few years now. As a man its hard for me to admit that i need a woman. I cant begin to imagine my life without her. Once again im out of the country for work. However this time i know when i come home its not to a cheating bitch or single. I will b going home to the only woman i will ever call my wife again n starting the next chapter in our lives. Just thought id share a lil bit about my beautiful fiancée n myself.
This pic was our first anniversary. Notice the elastic on the chopsticks. She still cant use them... lol