turning things upside down and inside out
but all for the better
Your Birthdate: January 21

You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.
Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.
People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.
You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.

Your strength: Your thirst for adventure

Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures

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i have tonsilitis. frown

it hurts to swallow and i've just been sleeping all fucking day.

ugh. i feel like shit. puke
i have become such a slut. lol. well, i suppose i don't necessarily think of myself as a slut. but the one-night stands are stacking up. and hell, i'm enjoying it. smile
I was the same way when I was single. I have a good woman now but I kinda miss it sometimes confused
don't you hate those days when apathy is about the only thing you can seem to let yourself feel?

oh well. that just means it's time for some hella angry music.

i'm going to get a vertical labret done tomorrow. hopefully tomorrow. i'm soooo excited. i've been needing my piercing fix for a while now. it's been six months since i got my tongue pierced, which is the last piercing i've gotten done and i'm dying to get more. need more metal through my body....now.
so the saturday party turned out to be a success.

after my party we migrated to another party and i never made it back home.

and apparently i accidentally left some really huge hickeys on the girl's neck....and then she had to go work at a church the next morning. hah. it's not my fault i just like to really get into sex. otherwise it's...
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nothing says fun at church like really huge hickeys.

i am now back in iowa. i think this might be rough semester but i'll live. after this, only two more semesters to go and i'll be in the real world. starving to death with my sociology degree.

thanks all for the birthday wishes.

this was actually one of the best birthdays i've had in a long time. i had an impromptu gathering. i managed...
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saw brokeback mountain on sunday.

i have to say i was pleased. i went in thinking there was going to be minimal boy on boy interaction since them movie was being shown everywhere.

but there was a good amount of it. of course no hardcore shots, *tear*, but there was an okay somewhat softcore-like sex scene between heath and jake. there was some hetero action...
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Ooh, now I can't wait to see Brokeback Mountain!

Happy birthday! kiss
Happy Birthday!!!
went out to dinner with my ex tonight. i hadn't seen her since last summer. we were together for two years and in the year since we split we've both changed a lot. into people that wouldn't want to date each other. haha.

but we're definitely still very good friends. our paths diverged a lot but still, we both know each other better than most...
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yeah Geisha's are Japanese - I had a dumb moment whilst writing!! They're become quite frequent!!

Haven't tried opera yet, it's on the list of things to do though. More dance first I think....
Yeah, the name of the song is Livin on a Prayer. I am so excited to go tonight!

Glad to see that you had a good dinner with your ex. It is always nice when you can still be friends.