happy birthday, man!! If you are in Northampton, go and have a beer at the Northampton Brewery for me! If Juliette is bartending, tell her Boomer says hi, ok?
...After I graduated, I called him long distance and asked, "Now what?" He said, "Get a job." When I turned twenty-five, I called him and asked, "Now what?" He said, "I don't know. Get married." -Brad Pitt, Fight Club.
Happy birthday!! I'm glad you feel my pain, as it were. I must have been born in a hospital with bad whammy. On a cold winter night. And no moon in the sky.
I have read excerpts from Weird Like Us and have been meaning the read the entire thing. Thanks for the reccommendation - I will be sure to pick it up.
Hope its a gret year!!