Its amazing how excited you can get about simple things, like taking a shower. I went from a giant base that had everything you could imagine to a tiny base that has just the basic stuff - sometimes. I get to shower every other day instead of as much as I want. Food is another thing that isn't around as much as a fat boy like me wants. They only serve 'hot' food twice a day here and its not the greatest. The cooks pretty much take it out of the box, heat it up and then serve it to us. And anything you 'cook' that way is never good to eat. There are MRE's here, but those make you not poop and those taste worse than the food that is 'cooked.' A comfortable bed is yet another luxury that we can't afford here. I have a cot with a 'mattress' on it. The mattress is a bag filled with sand I think. The only bathrooms are porta-potties that are 'cleaned out' once every 4 days. That gets gross quick. At least I'm out here with cool people and not a bunch of douchers.