I'm pretty much the happiest I've been this deployment right now. I get to go to a different base and be with the only cool people in my company. I get to get away from a gay base full of gay people. Shit is too political here. People say and do things and it makes me stop and say "Hey, you do realize we are in Iraq right?" Who gives two shits if I'm smoking next to a truck. You can drop a lit cigarette into diesel and it will put the cigarette out. I have done this before just to prove a point. But that doesn't matter in the Army. Anyways, I get to do nothing for the next 29 days and then get on a plane and never see Iraq ever again. Which is fucking awesome. I hate this country. I hate the people in this country. I just want to know who the douche was that was walking around one day and stopped, looked around at all this sand and dust and then said "You know what? I'm going to live here." I want to punch that person in the back of the face with a Mack Truck. This is not the cradle of civilization. This isn't the cradle of anything. Except maybe hate.