Can't say I am glad to be thirty. To me it is just another number and yet everyone is making a big deal out of it. Perhaps it is because most of them have plentiful friends and family to share these sorts of occasions with where as I have pretty much nobody. Suffice to say it was a pretty good day. Work was slow and it was nice weather compared to the following days which were (are hot), my bread went moldy two days before use by date and my flat mate broke the toilet roller.
As I have probably said before I feel like my life is a great big waste. Most people at this point in time are tending their own family or else have a love interest that soon enough will help create a family. They have well paying jobs and aren't constantly looking over their shoulder because one wrong move and its out the door just because they can (and yes my office has sacked people just because and the only reason i'm still there is because I know my rights). Heck most have a mortgage (primarily because of the other two reasons)
and what do i have to show for my 30 years? practically nothing because i am hideous and i work too hard. Hard workers are a rarity in this day and age and as such employers are reluctant to promote them for fear of creating a blackhole in the amount of work done. It would be much easier just to give up and be a dullard and continue to be whipped into submission.
Above is a picture of the tortes I made. The white ones are cookies and cream and the darker ones are choc peppermint. making them was a bit of a task since the cookies and cream sauce melts easier then my regular torte sauce and the choc peppermint sauce wasn't even a sauce but sort of a fudge or something like that but more solid and had to be applied more forcefully. Still both taste pretty damn good and were well received.
Well at least its almost the weekend and the office air con is actually decent for a change although people find it too cold damned beach junkies with their sunscreen and surf wear. give me single digits and an ice cream any day (because yes I eat ice cream year round)