So Last Saturday (a bit late on the upload/blog but I was somewhat unmotivated) I went to a burlesque called Absinthe. I got tickets for it on my birthday the year before (which meant my mother bought the ticket almost a year in advanced since my birthday is Nov 17 and the show was Sept 26th so wow because I didn't think you could get tickets that far in advance simply because shit happens)
I figured I would order the signature cocktail for the night
And what I got which admittedly was good but was a bit taken aback by the plastic cup considering it was only 7pm at night.
Pretty much front row seating. I missed the chance to take a picture of the person who was the green fairy. I got to take one of her gloves off with my teeth :D
So when the show started I thought this was pretty neat balancing on those chairs like that and the tray at the same time.
Of course it just kept getting higher until he reached the top of the tent. As a general rule of thumb I try my best to get pictures of the final point of any given act rather then at the beginning but it depends on the show and whether I have to use sleight of hand to get the pictures. in this case photography was ok as long as it wasn't flash and the performers generally stayed still long enough for a photo.
The next two pics are pretty straight forward. Strong Guys either tossing other guys around or else just balancing in even more ridiculous ways
Or just balancing on the swing.
There must be some serious timing to get two people swinging on a single bar without hitting each other
Sometimes You just wonder how the hell they balance like that.
So before I went to the show I had a look at the set online and I mentioned to my friend that one act was basically tightrope walking whilst others were tightrope walking and he was confused as to how one would do that. This is how you do it.
Over all it was a pretty good night with plenty of audience participation in between setting up for the next act. Stay tuned for Circus 2