Top ten hates
I could probably go on all day about all my dislikes and what bothers me but these things first and foremost in my everyday life or close enough to every day mind you I could pretty much lump it all into the single category of human stupidity and be done with it but that's rather vague
10. You know that awkward sort of dance you do when you are trying to get passed someone moving in the opposite direction but they cut in front of you as well until you eventually work something out; well its always me who has to swiftly sidestep because the other person is a gormless twit. I generally cannot stand human stupidity especially when it can be easily avoided with a bit of common sense although speaking of
9. laziness. just do your job and then go about being lazy. I shouldn't have to carry other peoples sack of shit ass through life nor should you have to be told to do your job most of the time. if something needs to be done, do it. Too many people are also reactive rather then proactive
8. Nepotism. While being racist is wrong its ok if you are a minority doing it because its nepotism even though its the exact same thing just a nicer way of putting it. Along with my exceptional skills in my job, it is the single biggest reason why my job is a dead end job even though there is quite a ways up the ladder but with so many Indians to promote (because that's the minority that has majority in the office) who has time promoting someone who can actually do the job rather then having who they do promote then rely on me for information (which has basically been every supervisor and on the odd occasion manager for the past 5 years).
7. My parents. I know it sounds harsh but they fall into what i think is a unique category of parenting. They aren't neglectful or abusive nor are they helicopter parents. They are rather distant unless they are in front of other people or unless it was to make my life more difficult (for example force me to use encyclopedias that were older then me instead of the internet [fyi Lexicon so not even a good brand] because the information was just as good even though its a single source and teachers prefer multiple sources). They acted in the strangest ways regarding things they were told like when I mentioned for the first time someone i liked they laughed out loud and made fun of me for a few months - hence why I never mentioned anything of the sort again and prefer keeping my own counsel. Disciplining me vs my brother or step sister; for me it was harsh and one point i was almost grounded for a week for breaking something that i didn't break and i've been told off just because my siblings were doing something wrong in the same vicinity. I was forced to get a job or be kicked out despite still being in school compared to my brother whos on welfare (which i was also scoulded for doing - i was only getting a shift a week at the job i did have which wasn't enough) and refuses to get a job that isn't in computer gaming. My dad was as bad after my parents split and it became mum and step mum. he would give me ways to contact him which he would then proceed to ignore. well he's no longer among the living and considering how young my mother is i'm sure she wouldn't mind out living me
6. That said my own forgetfulness is rather annoying. I've probably forgotten more in my life time than most people will ever remember in their entire life. People seem to expect me to remember everything and not forget anything and it is sometimes quite draining. That and my own ugliness. I got more flaws then any number of supposed peace treaties in place around the world. There's a reason I don't show teeth when I smile and its because they are crooked but I (my parents were too poor to do it when i was in school) can't even get them fixed until i have the extra teeth pulled out. Then there were the zit cream resistant pimples my parents couldn't afford to deal with with some harder drugs, the flaky scalp that head and shoulders won't fix and will have to figure something out and then there's all the minor stuff I can't actually fix or perhaps can but it won't make a great difference such as rounded shoulders, small nose (I consider big noses to mean that that man is prosperous in wealth - I think it is the opposite with women and that a smaller nose means they are wealthy - but only in relative proportion to what that population has in average nose size otherwise the greeks wouldn't be bankrupt and on the brink of leaving the eurozone) or this awkward chest hair that only grows around the nipples
5. University graduates who think they are smarter then everyone else because they graduated - WRONG!!!!! If anything you are dumber because they have probably trained you to forget all other information leaving you with just the knowledge of your chosen career and more often or not just how to google the info you need relating to it. oh and several million people world wide if not more also know that same info so no your just another average idiot who makes a lot more money, more so when you get older and progress in your career where all you do is tell other people what to do and then go drinking with other social elite morons
4. lies. people seem to do it just because they can and its so obvious more often or not but people prefer the lie to the truth
3. Especially when it comes to dating and relationships
2. Summer/hot weather. I'm probably one of a handful of people who hate hot weather. doesn't help I also sweat heavily and its not pretty. It also highlights my ugliness.
1. Sheep mentality and lack of common sense. Don't do/buy something just because others do so. I don't give a shit about ratings on games/movies/shows I'll play/watch what I want regardless of how terrible some overpaid desk jockey thinks. The brain happens to be in that thick skull of yours for a reason so use it rather then just rely on others for your thought process
So a bit about me and what many probably consider my crazy way of thinking and in all honesty probably should be ordered differently but then again I should of been in bed half an hour ago (because unlike most humans i actually need 8 hours sleep most nights rather then the 4 most people get because they are wannabe insomniacs - mind you i wish i were an insomniac too and could get by on little to no sleep insomnia being the coolest condition to have ever because sleep is a waste of time)