In all honesty not even sure if I qualify but I think I should give my few followers a slight insight into me. I would like to take the opportunity to point out that I rarely do favourites simply because there's no point in having one if it's likely to change within a few months. It's more of a "What do I enjoy more time and time again" and even then I have a couple of answers which in all honesty are somewhat unspecific. Any @Rambo @Missy @bloghomework and @whateverelseishould@@
1) RPG's like Skyrim or Fallout or Final Fantasy. I just love something that has hours of gameplay and a good long story line whether that be self made or something you create yourself along the way. In instances where you can customise yourself throughout I tend towards ranged which might seem cowardly but I do like to try and get through an area without alerting anyone. Then of course all the side quests you try to do without going insane.
I also enjoy playing classic shooters. Not that there is anything wrong with the newer ones but nothing beats a classic but a quick story on that. So recently I've tried playing Doom on my computer but I'm having issues so I started playing Wolfenstein 3D. unlike Doom which I could remember the God mode code and therefore play on the second hardest mode just so I won't die but maximise the amount of demons I kill (that's the kind of person I am), I couldn't remember that for Wolfenstein and not that it mattered because I decided I would kill ALL THE NAZIS - which meant looking up maps for all six episodes and for spear of the sun as well. Suffice to say it took a fair amount of time, dying and swearing to beat all 7 games on the hardest mode.
With that said just a couple of other quick facts about me and gaming;
1: If there is a reference to be made I'll make it whilst playing a video game
2: Additional sound effects are included. Alternatively I'll make fun of accents especially in Wolfenstein 3D; I swear those regular guards were trying to sell me hotdogs right before the shoot out, I would like to think I shot those blue guys somewhere other then the kneebone and no mr SS officer I did not "give you Mars" - and yes those are all things I actually think they are saying
3: I also enjoy a good board game or even a weird one. Again no favourites although I do enjoy those that are not so main stream.
4: Primarily I spend my money on Magic the Gathering cards and as such don't tell my mother how much I spend on them after mentioning I spent $420 on a single card.... It's a particularly powerful and hard to come by card. I guess it's a good thing I don't have many friends to hang with who would rather go out on the piss and blow a few hundred bucks on alcohol and the like although that would also be fun.