The names Matthew or Mat with one t (two is fine but if you're going to shorten it may as well go all the way) or Matty if you feel that inclined.
Imporeo just means Imperial Oreo. Came up with it for an MMORPG which didn't like my longer user names (and the use of _ )
Work as a photocopier of legal documents primarily along with scanning, printing and delivery of those documents; and anything else really which is what I get for being smarter then most people but not smart enough to have a job that requires a higher intellect like science (No, It and Law in my opinion don't require anywhere near as much intellect as most people in those industries imply. Law is about getting your underlings to do most of the work because you can manipulate your asking price because people mostly hate public speaking. As for IT, Most oldies are inept at using computers thus younger people can take advantage of that ineptness to charge a handsome price for something anyone can do if they wanted to - me I find that industry dull)
Came here because it seemed like a cool place to be. for a moment when signing up for it was a dating service but immediately found out that wasn't the case. I am enjoying everything about this site.
Currently have no tattoos mostly because I can't decide what I want.
Cats over dogs although I prefer Wolves over big cats.
When I'm not working I can be found at home playing video games or on social media, Playing MTG (Magic the Gathering), or else I might be out with friends somewhere be it the movies, some sort of watering hole or just dinner. Occasionally I might strike out on my own to a Comedy or Cabaret show.