so the first kid i ever considered a friend emailed me recently, dont know how he got my address. wierd but exciting all the same if you know my history ( ill type fast so expect typos) i grew up raised by a single mother, therefore i moved alot. Hell i went to 9 differnent ellimentry schools , so by jr. high my mom settled a little and i could keep friends, therefore i was old by the time i had a real friend. its strange but i lacked the knowledge of how to be a friend or what a friend was. ( im an only child to) you go through so many changes through the ages of high school, its hard to even consider. and im having a hard time thinking of all the experiences crammed into so little of a time, but god i loved this kid. he accepted me and helped me and introduced me to so much, but life tends to take people on their own journy and to many varribles are present to stop that even if you wanted to.
I just be myself and expect people to accept that if they want to know me, but he is the one that taught me this method, this truth, this thing i consider a tenet to life
I just be myself and expect people to accept that if they want to know me, but he is the one that taught me this method, this truth, this thing i consider a tenet to life
I am big into science fiction, I've read, well, a lot of it. I love cyberpunk. Bruce Stirling, William Gibson, etc... David Drake writes some damn good military science fiction also..
That is so cool that your friend emailed you out of the blue. Keep in touch with him. I had a best friend when I was younger, the only best friend I ever had. He moved away to California with his parents and we lost touch. I wonder what he's up to now.
I think this is the longest journal entry I've seen from you. hehe...anyway...later man.
yeah, I've been incognito. I'm not drinking anymore and I'm getting used to the transition of that and school.
we should get together soon though, you were awesome to talk to. Say hi to chica for me!