After all these years my education is finally at its end. I can honestly say, I am over the American university experience. Time to move on. Who knows, maybe, I'll actually spend more time around here.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="464" height="388" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=60d14b6331" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><embed width="464" height="388" flashvars="key=60d14b6331" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><noscript><a href="">Danny DeVito & The Contract</a> on <a href=""></a></noscript>[/YOUTUBE]
Haha. Your profile picture kind of hurts my eyes
Thanks for commenting on my set

Thanks for commenting on my set

well, i guess ill give this social thing a try again, although with life as convoluted as it is now, its gunna take some effort. School, work, life are so all encompassing. Well if anyone reads ask me a question, at least that will make be be active.
wow never here update co little but heree it is
im in to no punctuation right now you put in the stops and pauses your self how that feel
im in to no punctuation right now you put in the stops and pauses your self how that feel
new year begins, rain stays
i think ill go for a long motorcycle ride
i think ill go for a long motorcycle ride
im finally over the worst cold in the universe, i damn well thought id caught the bird flu or something. The rain just wont stop here, every day it comes down. Its not that i mind the rain, i actually do like it, its just i want to ride my motorcycle and dont have the right pants. School starts again on tuesday and work is...
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keep pushing that rock
man im so bad at this, but what the fuck i work i go to school i drink, make a fool of myself and hit the repeat button. Well some times its the snooze button but we all make mistakes right?
I think ive narrowed it down to 4 of 5 reasons why i hate the holidays so much but i dont wont to examen...
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I think ive narrowed it down to 4 of 5 reasons why i hate the holidays so much but i dont wont to examen...
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okay, i'm here now. stuzzy will be here after xmas. you have to tell us about one of those times you're out drinking and making a fool of yourself so we can join you.
yeah what she said... looking forward to getting up here and hanging out.
i am going to be the pig roast master this thursday. I have been put in charge of roasting a whole pig for an orphans thanksgiving. Funny for someone whos been a vegetarian for aprox 25 years. But i will proform my duty as is has been dictated to me.
i keep leading myself astray
just don't get lost... or do, it might be fun